Selasa, 02 Desember 2014


SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE merupakan bentuk kalimat yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang. Kalimat simple future ditandai dengan will/shall dan keterangan waktu seperti next week, tomorow, later dan lain sebagainya. Untuk kegiatan yang sedang akan dilakukan dalam waktu dekat dan sudah direncanakan sebelumnya digunakan auxilary verb 'be' dan 'going' diikuti infinitive.

1. Simple future with modal

Simple future tense dengan modal will/shall umumnya digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan secara spontan tanpa rencana.
a. Kalimat positif (+)
S + will/shall + V1 + object complement
Note : shall hanya untuk subjek I dan We.

Example :
1. I will go to hospital later
2. You will get the job tomorrow
3. They will do their homework together
4. We shall think about the film next week
5. She will drink the softdrink later
6. He will come to your house next saturday

b. Kalimat negatif (-)
S + will/shall + not + V1 + object complement

Example :
1. I will not go to hospital later
2. You wont get the job tomorrow
3. They will not do their homework together
4. We shall not think about the film next week
5. She wont drink the softdrink later
6. He will not come to your house next saturday

c. Kalimat tanya (?)
Will/shall + S + V1 + object complement ?

Example :
1. Will I go to hospital later ?
2. Will you get the job tomorrow ?
3. Will they do their homework together ?
4. Shall we think about the film next week ?
5. Will she drink the softdrink later ?
6. Will he come to your house next saturday ?

2. Simple future with 'be' and 'going to'
Simple future tense dengan 'be going to' biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan datang yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya.

a. Kalimat positif (+)
S + be (am/is/are) + going + (to) infinitive + object complement

Example :
1. I am going to go hospital later
2. You are going to get the job tomorrow
3. They are going to do their homework together
4. We are goint to think about the film next week
5. She is going to drink the softdrink later
6. He is going to come to your house next saturday

b. Kalimat negatif (-)
S + be (am/is/are) + not + going + (to) V1 + object complement

Example :
1. I am not going to go to hospital later
2. You are not going to get the job tomorrow
3. They are not going to do their homework together
4. We are not going to think about the film next week
5. She is not going to drink the softdrink later
6. He is not going to come to your house next saturday

c. Kalimat tanya (?)
Be (am/is/are) + S + going + (to) V1 + object complement ?

Example :
1. am I going to go to hospital later ?
2. Are you going to get the job tomorrow ?
3. Are they going to do their homework together ?
4. Are we going to think about the film next week ?
5. Is she goint to drink the softdrink later ?
6. Is he going to come to your house next saturday ?

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